Emergency Fund Planning, Credit Cards, and Disability Insurance Interview with Joshua Sheats of Radical Personal Finance, Part 1 Work Pants Finance

Emergency Fund Planning, Credit Cards, and Disability Insurance Interview with Joshua Sheats of Radical Personal Finance, Part 1 Work Pants Finance

Topics are getting less and less relevant. I can’t even think of a recent episode that had much to do with the tag line of the show, related to building a plan for financial… There’s much more at play that affects personal finances than just US domestic conservative vs liberal political infighting. That requires expanding his world of information sources which I hope he does because he’s really quite an interesting and unique thinker in the personal finance space otherwise. Great podcast for anyone interested in more intricate details of personal finance. Joshua gives many points of view on a specific topic that delivers a well rounded perspective.

Thank you so much Joshua for Radical Finance podcast and giving/sharing your wealth of knowledge, ideas, music,… They also have email subscriptions so you can get regular newsletters from your favorite podcast hosts. Listen to your new favorite financial podcasts wherever you listen to https://currency-trading.org/ podcasts, like Google Podcasts, Apple iTunes, Spotify Podcasts, and Stitcher. But what are some of the top finance podcasts? Here we’ll go over some of the most popular finance podcasts and why you should add each one to your playlist. I wish a larger perspective could come through.

His initial advice for personal finance is to be rich. He proceeds to lament that he traveled Europe and had to observe protocols in France. He comes across as a Covid denier and anti-masker. Out of the box thinking moneyball the art of winning an unfair game and appreciate the open forum to discuss any topic on your mind. It’s not all about managing your dollars and cents, more fruitful insight about investing and in your and your family’s goals and lifestyle.

radical personal finance podcast

His podcast helps you learn how to save money on everyday things and even goes over incredible deals that can help you save. He talks about many common money basics like how to buy a car, how to finance your home, and how to plan for retirement. Learn about the basics of finance and how it applies to your personal life.Click Here to Listen Now.

I really enjoy the topics Joshua talks about and the Friday Q&A’s. I’ve learned how to live a rich life now while also planning to build wealth in the future. Joshua has very good information on personal finance, prepping, and general life planning.

Joshua’s perspectives have never failed to make me expand my own. He shares his thought process in addition to his conclusions, which is key to enable each of us to make our own individual decisions. And he doesn’t shy away from the politically incorrect which I LOVE!

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Expert financial planning show and so much more. The driving factor throughout the shows is how to plan a rich life. His expertise in financial products is olympic level, but more importantly his understanding that maximizing value and stability has more to do with spiritual growth and faith and… In part two of the interview, we dive into some complex but very powerful strategies for pursuing financial independence and early retirement.

radical personal finance podcast

You’re ability to speak intelligently on such a variety of topics is impressive and full of great advice. I do wish some of the content was a bit more direct and pointed towards the stated objective of financial freedom in 10 years or less. Disability Income insurance may be the most important insurance you need to own.

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Radical Personal Finance is dedicated to giving you both the information and the actionable inspiration you need to significantly improve your life and lifestyle. The author provides the tools you need to bridge the gap between your vision of your ideal lifestyle and the practical reality of where you stand today. But having the practical steps and tools to transform the vision into reality is even better. Besides insurance, we address emergency funds, including credit cards and currency – $100 bills, y’all.

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I appreciate his willingness to explain his rationale about how and why he suggests things. He provide helpful and very detailed tips on what steps take taking an action (buying a car, preparing volatility definition finance for a… In today’s podcast, Steven Harris and I discuss the STRONG likelihood of global famine over the coming years and carefully analyze the underlying causes of this concern.

Radical Personal Finance – Part One

Podcasts are becoming increasingly more popular each year. If you can think of it, there’s a podcast that talks about it. “The Framework for Wealth,” a 20-minute video presentation with a comprehensive framework for organizing all financial advice. Joshua does a great job of breaking down financial concepts while encouraging you to think about your specific financial situation. Joshua presents interesting financial ideas that go beyond the normal make more money and invest it type advise.

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I also understand that his political and religious beliefs, which are sometimes polar opposite of mine, factor into his decisions and explanations. Happily he is very purposely transparent with his beliefs and he lets his listeners know when something is based on tested best practices or when he’s making decisions on moral convictions. I appreciate his honesty and integrity in this. My family and I have been away from the United States for 3.5 years now, setting up our Plan B. That’s given me enough time to have a more balanced perspective on life in the USA. Please see Rates and Terms to check the availability of online loans in your state.

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I am deeply concerned about global food supplies over the next few years, due primarily to low fertilizer availability and high fertilizer cost. And, the disruptions in the energy markets are making everything massively worse. I listen to the podcast regularly and while I used to really enjoy it, it seems to have taken a different direction lately.

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